                                                                                       4 Regions
Ecuador rests on the equator (for which it gets its name).  The Ecuador mainland is split into 3 regions: La Costa, La Sierra, El Oriente, and the Galapagos off shore.  Ecuador is bordered by Colombia to the north, Peru to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.
Ecuador has 24 provinces.  The largest being Pastaza, and the smallest being Bolivar.  The most populated is Guaya, and the least populated is Galapagos (mainland being Pastaza)
The climate of Ecuador varies, due in part to the different altitudes and proximites to the equator.  The coasts are generally warm and January-April is particularly hot, but also rainy.  The capital, Quito, is cool (average of 66F) year round.  The dry seasons are June-September, and the rainy seasons are October-May.  El Oriente temperatures average around 81F.  It is normally humid and rainy, although the dry season is November-February.